Mental Health Awareness Week

Published: 2024-05-13

Mental Health Awareness Week is an annual event when there is an opportunity for the whole of the UK to focus on achieving good mental health. The Mental Health Foundation is a charity which began the event in 2001. Each year, the Foundation continues to set the theme, organise and host the week. The event has grown to become one of the biggest awareness weeks across the UK and globally. This year, the theme for Mental Health Awareness Week is “Movement: Moving more for our mental health”. Movement is important for mental health and many struggle to move enough. This Mental Health Awareness Week the aim is to help people to find moments for movement in their daily routines

Where can I read more? To read more about Mental Health Awareness Week you can visit the Mental Health Foundation website here.

Links to national resources: You can download free resources produced by the foundation here.

Mentally Healthy Schools is a free website for UK primary and secondary schools and further education settings, offering school staff information, advice as well as a wide range of resources to better understand, promote and support pupils’ mental health and wellbeing.

BBC Teach has created a collection of resources to promote the importance of mental well-being for use in primary and secondary schools. You can access the resources here.

Support within West Sussex: Within the West Sussex Services for Schools website, you can access the ‘Thought-Full’ web pages where you can find information about ‘Thought-Full’, the West Sussex Mental Health Support Teams in Schools service. The team supports schools in West Sussex with all aspects of mental health and emotional wellbeing.